The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals


講演者: ディアス・プラダディマラ氏


日本財団ビル2階 第3、4会議室 地図


1980年代初頭より、先進国社会を中心に世界中で、エビの消費量は増加の一途にあります。日本でも、過去20年の間に、毎年20万トンから30万トンの冷凍エビが輸入されています。東南アジアのエビ養殖業者は、広範囲の沿岸や稀に内陸の養殖場で生産供給を行ってきました。しかし、この一見安定した発展の水面下では、エビの養殖、収穫、売買、加工、貿易における、劇的な変化が起きています。 本セミナーでは、いくつかの根本的な変化の事例を紹介し、養殖産業の形成過程における各国(インドネシア、フィリピン、タイ)と資本(巨大と零細)の役割について検証します。さらに、輸入諸国から課せられる規制が、養殖産業のあり方に与える影響についても議論いたします。 エビの養殖産業を検証することで、グローバル化時代の東南アジアの姿を描き出す、興味深いセミナーです。多くの皆様のご参加をお待ちいたします。


The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals (API Fellowships Program) enables public intellectuals in Asia, namely Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand, to pursue intellectual, cultural and professional projects in other Asian country/countries. The API Fellows are from various backgrounds, such as academia, journalism, NGO, government agencies, and creative arts. The aim is to promote mutual learning among Asian public intellectuals and to contribute to the growth of public spaces in which effective responses to regional needs can be generated.
We are happy to invite you to the upcoming seminar by Mr. Dias Pradadimara, M.A., an API Fellow from Indonesia on the very interesting and timely topic of the transformation of the shrimp trading in Southeast Asia. It would be much appreciated if you could let us know in advance of your attendance for the convenience of the secretariat to, or Tel:03-6229-5181.

Presenter: Mr. Dias Pradadimara

Dias Pradadimara is at the teaching staff of the Department of History at Universitas Hasanuddin in Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia. He has been doing research on village and regional levels, mostly in eastern part of Indonesian archipelago. He is currently a Senior Fellow of the Asian Public Intellectuals, funded by The Nippon Foundation, conducting this current research on global shrimp as part of his attempt to connect and to situate local dynamics within global constellation. He is affiliated with the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University where he was also a Visiting Research Fellow in 2006/7.


Since early 1980s there has been a growth of shrimp consumption around the globe, mostly by the developed world. Japan alone in the last 2 decades has been importing between 200 thousand tones and 300 thousand tones of frozen shrimp each year. And Southeast Asian shrimp farmers have been the major players who produce and supply these shrimp from far-flung coastal areas, and, in much-lesser case, even from inland farms. Yet despite this seemingly steady progression, under the surface there has been dramatic transformation of the ways in which shrimp is being farmed, sold, collected, processed, and traded in Southeast Asia. This presentation will describe some of the more fundamental changes and review the roles of individual Southeast Asian states (i.e. Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand) and capital (big and small) in shaping the aquaculture industries in the region. It will also discuss the effects of regulatory measures imposed by importing-countries to the ways the industry operates.

June 9, 2008, 18:00-20:00
#3 & 4 Meeting Rooms on 2nd Fl. of The Nippon Foundation Building MAP